Wednesday, March 23, 2011

March comes in like a lion, what else? Still the snow never melts!

Well, I guess I will start with the important stuff first. Ruby had a doctor's appointment yesterday. She had a routine immunization appointment. During the normal exam, the doctor discovered that Ruby has an innocent heart murmur. PLEASE DON'T BE ALARMED! The doctor indicated that it is not a very serious condition. We do, however, need to see a cardiologist to get an ultrasound of her little ticker. This is just to make sure that it is not a serious condition. So, if you could say a little prayer for us right now, we would very much appreciate it.

As for everything else....

Its snowing, again. Last week, I sat on the porch in my bikini. (I put blankets on the railing so no one could see me) And now it keeps coming down! At least my cardinals are back. I am trying to get a good picture of them so I can show you how beautiful these birds are. But they don't land on any branches close enough.  Oh well. The snow always makes a cup of tea and a book cozier.
I made some chocolate-hazelnut biscotti this week. I have been drinking coffee and chai like crazy so that I can dip my biscotti in it. At first, I didn't think it was that great. But then I had it with my coconut thai chai. YUMMO!!!! But instead of reading, I am blogging.

By the way.....make sure to turn on your sound and turn up the volume. I finally figured out how to add a playlist of songs to the blog. It is so nice to read other people's blogs and listen to some of their favorite tunes. It helps me get to know them a little more. So I thought I would add some of my fav's for your listening enjoyment.

I also finished another sister owl.

Not sure what to name her yet. She kinda has crazy eyes. Maybe Cathy would be a good name. Hehe! But don't worry! This bird will not be calling you during the midnight hours to "hoot" at you. (Please understand that this is not a joke about any of our family members named Cathy.)

I must get busy de-cluttering our house. We are having John, a guy Eddie works with, and his girlfriend, Jody, over for dinner tomorrow night. I plan on making something in my crockpot so that the aroma of good food will fill the house. It still smells like smoke in here, and I hate it. Febreeze and candles are my friends!

With adieus..... another video of Ruby in the tub

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